Mid-Prairie Community School District
Project Information
Mid-Prairie Community School District
Wellman, IA
General Contractor
Tricon General Construction
Shive Hattery Architecture and Engineering
Square Footage
Year Completed
The Mid-Prairie Community School District prepares today's students for tomorrow's world in a caring learning environment. Baker Group was commissioned as the construction manager to update Mid-Prairie’s 85,000 sq ft high school learning environment with a complete renovation and upgrade of the HVAC system, a remodel of the lab areas, and new ceilings in the east wing.
The entire HVAC system was completely renovated with a new ground source Heat Pump system using a horizontal ground loop. The high school is now completely air-conditioned. Completion of all interior work took place during the summer (within a 10 week construction window). All classrooms were fully operational by the start of school.
Baker Group delivered more than what a typical Construction Manager brings to a HVAC upgrade project. Policy is to have a Baker Group Project Superintendent on site daily, with daily supervision by a Baker Group Project Manager to oversee the job with periodic visits by Baker Group’s Safety Director. Weekly job progress and scheduling meetings are held to assure on-time completion.
Bidding took place using a traditional method of having one prime contractor responsible for all sub-contractors, and as a Construction Management project with multiple prime bids. Final results were conclusive that the multiple prime process with Construction Management fees added proved to be the most economical method, and provided the owner with a management team to oversee the project and to take some of the construction burden off the School’s Administration staff.