Maytag Research & Development Laboratory
Project Information
Whirlpool/Maytag Corporation
Shive Hattery
General Contractor
Neumann Brothers Inc.
Shive Hattery
Square Footage
Baker Group Scope
Mechanical Cost - $3,300,000
Year Completed
The challenge was taking unused manufacturing space and turning it into state-of-the-art R&D space for new laundry products. A short deck-to-deck height added to the challenge. Baker Group, in coordination with Neumann Brothers Construction and Shive-Hattery Engineers worked through the constructability issues and delivered the renovation on budget and in schedule.
Washing machine tests stands each had both unsoftened and softened hot and cold domestic water supply, plus grey water recirculation systems to reduce cost of operation. Dryer tests stands were set up for natural gas, LP gas or electric with special metering. Dryer vent systems were also part of the package.