GuideOne Insurance Chiller Replacement
Project Information
GuideOne Insurance
West Des Moines, IA
General Contractor
Halverson Trane
Baker Group
Baker Group Scope
Year Completed
Headquartered in West Des Moines, Iowa GuideOne Insurance asked Baker Group to remove their pre-existing chillers that were past their useful life. Baker Group replaced the equipment with two (2) new 270 ton chillers, and installed new chilled water pumps and condensing water pumps. Baker Group worked with the owner and equipment providers to select the best chillers and pump options, and determine the best fit for chiller and pumping performance based on the chilled water load the operating conditions they were operating in.
Challenges associated with the installation of the new chillers included working in the confines of a room that contained GuideOne’s back-up UPS system, and removing the equipment from the dock which was blocked in on three sides. Another challenge was moving the new equipment through an area that had extremely tight clearances. Baker Group overcame these challenges, and GuideOne now has equipment sized appropriately for their facility.